In many divorce or separation cases, child support and custody issues can become extremely contentious. A thorough child support and custody investigation can ensure that the child(ren) involved will be well cared for both personally and financially in the years to come.
A proper child custody investigation is designed to paint a picture of the child’s day to day life while away from the clients home.
We will try to uncover what kind of life the child experiences with one parent as opposed to the other. Very often these investigations include close and/or extended family. Our investigators have uncovered abuse, neglect, impaired driving, inappropriate supervision, alcohol and/or drug abuse inside the home or in the presence of the child(ren).
Canadian Private Investigation Services is highly experienced in child custody matters. It is extremely important that the investigator use the utmost discretion, as much of our surveillance will occur in close proximity to playgrounds, schools, daycare centers and other places where children congregate.
What Happens To a Parent When They Are Not Paying Court Ordered Child Support?
There are a number of reasons why a parent may not pay court ordered child support. Some have been determined to be legitimate, while others are deemed to be an abdication of one’s responsibility. Child support laws in Canada allow for a Maintenance Support Program to be established to assist in the enforcement of child support agreements.
In some cases a parent has become ill and isn’t working or is now working at a lower paying job and can no longer afford to pay the required amount. In these situations a former spouse can seek to modify their payments from the Family Responsibility Office (FRO) and establish new guidelines to avoid being placed in default.
Unfortunately, what is more common is a parent stops paying support for other, less than legitimate reasons. If you think your ex has decided not to pay child support as a way of gaining control, or has taken a “Cash Job” to avoid showing income, you may want to hire an experienced investigator to properly document their actual ability to pay, and help you to collect the support your child(ren) are entitled to.
Canadian Child Support Laws
In trying to collect past due child support payments it is important to have a full understanding of Canadian child support laws. You will certainly need a lawyer or paralegal to represent you and present evidence in court, however Canadian Private Investigation Services can certainly assist and gather the evidence you need to present to the court.
We are experienced and tenacious. We will find out the real reason your ex spouse has not been paying child support. Our private investigators understand these situations and can determine why your children are not receiving the money they deserve.
Many of the situations we’ve investigated involve less than legitimate reasons:
It could be that the reason your ex is not making their child support payments has little to do with you or the child(ren) and more to do with them being irresponsible. A parent like this may be enjoying their “new found freedom” or may have remarried and decided to put their “old” responsibilities behind them. If you suspect that this may be the case, it would be in your interest to seek help from a professional so you will have the evidence you need to prevail in court.
A Matter of Control
In many cases a former spouse wants to have more visitation time with the child(ren), which has not been ordered by the court. A frequently seen tactic is to use the payments as a mechanism of control. Child support is not something to be bartered. It is a court ordered responsibility paying a higher or lower amount of child support does not affect the amount of time the parent is entitled to spend with their child.
If your ex thinks the amount the court ordered is unfair, they need to go to court and present their case to the court or contact and work with the Family Resource Office if they’re registered.
Seeking Revenge
If you’ve been fighting with your ex, and now you are not receiving your child support payments on time, or perhaps not receiving them, this may be a case of revenge. There is no legal basis for this. The child support laws in Canada were designed to protect and provide for the children of divorced parents. Refusing to pay based on a disagreement with you is not a legitimate reason to cease paying child support.
Unfortunately many parents think that withholding child support is a way of “getting even” with their former spouse. If your ex is not paying on time, every time you should report this right away. It is important to document all received or missed payments, otherwise you are at risk of setting up a pattern of delinquency.
The child support laws in Canada were not designed to be punitive. They are to simply ensure that parents who bring children into the world take responsibility for them, whether they are married or not. Children whose parents have parted ways are entitled by law to be provided for and to live in a safe and secure home.
If you have issues surrounding family responsibility, call the trusted investigators at CPIS. Our team can give you the advice you need to move forward with a child support investigation.